瑞士裔法國藝術家Saype(圖片來源:GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images)
瑞士裔法國藝術家Saype表示,從山頂和附近牧場望去都可以看到他的大地藝術畫,面積大約3000平方米,表達了拒絕千篇一律、擁抱不同視角求同存異的必要性。他說:「這是兩名兒童,他們都是從自己的視角畫出所看到的世界。有趣的是,每個孩子所處的海拔高度不同,所以他們畫的東西也不同,我把這兩幅作品稱為『太陽與月亮相遇』(The sun meets with the moon)。」
Saype, l'artista que utilitza els vessants de les muntanyes com a llenç https://t.co/ycCJHvpwiu pic.twitter.com/mUr7ddm8jG
— 324.cat (@324cat) July 15, 2023
Swiss-French artist SAYPE said his frescos -- which at around 3,000 square metres (3,590 square yards) can be seen from the mountaintop and nearby pastures -- symbolize the need to reject uniformity and embrace different perspectives.https://t.co/LKL4M7ReDK. pic.twitter.com/WEeXakKMEc
— M@rc€|o B@ez Mez@ (@pietrospeggio) July 14, 2023
Villars-sur-Ollon, Svizzera
Due dipinti (biodegradabili) di land art dal titolo "Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune" sono stati realizzati dall'artista franco-svizzero Saype. Rappresentano 2 bambini che disegnano, a modo loro, il mondo che li circonda.
📷 Laurent Gilliéron/EPA pic.twitter.com/yxtIZgvCA9— Paola Cattoretti (@PCattoretti) July 14, 2023
This artist drew giant murals into the side of the mountains near a rural Swiss village — and the footage is stunning pic.twitter.com/vIe8I8EyTT
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) July 14, 2023
作為現代藝術家,Saype最知名的作品是他的Beyond Walls系列。在這個系列作品中,他在巴黎、伊斯坦布爾、柏林和開普敦等世界30個不同的城市在地面上噴繪了互相緊握的雙手。作品旨在充當「人鏈」(Human chain),連接不同的國家民族和文化。
Mani giganti che uniscono il mondo, l’opera di Saype arriva nel Benin pic.twitter.com/x1vfYVADI0
— JENNIFER (@annapao03650257) July 15, 2023
Part of a global project “Beyond Walls” by artist SAYPE (saype_artiste-IG) He “paints” large frescos on land!
This is Sea Point, Western Cape, South Africa & is #9 in the symbolic human chain SAYPE is creating to promote unity. #StreetArt #BeyondWalls #artist #art #unity pic.twitter.com/7YiLIL6FjP— Tina Mowrey~she/her 🏳️🌈 🌵🦝🦝⚽️🎒 (@tmowtx) January 28, 2021
Inhere is what French land artist Saype painted on the grass of our campus with his eco-friendly paints. This is part of his international project #BeyondWalls to create the "largest human chain in the world"! https://t.co/RIUiiyFYxy pic.twitter.com/QqUq7NkwJw
— Aydan Gülerce (@AydanGulerce) October 26, 2020
An aerial picture taken with a drone shows French artist Saype posing by his giant biodegradable land art painting of interlocked hand, as part of his "Beyond Walls", project creating a "human chain" across the world, in Turin, Italy
Credit: Valentin Flauraud for Saype/Handout pic.twitter.com/cQQwT67rCz— Pixiedust (@PixiedustJtT) October 2, 2020
Yessai baba, #artist #Saype (contraction of Say Peace): Worldwide Symbolic Human Chain extends to Ouagadougou, #BurkinaFaso, #Paris, #Geneva, #Berlin, #Andorra, #IvoryCoast, still to come in 2020: #Benin, #Italy, #Rwanda, #Turkey, #Ossetia and more#GiantHands #BeyondWall https://t.co/sTBGSSkBBO
— Shouting in the desert until I have 100 followers (@EsuAnahata) April 4, 2020
👉Check out this incredible new work by @saype_artiste , the biggest human chain in biodegradable paint located in the Champ de Mars, 15.000m2 of grass leading to the @toureiffelofficielle ) in Paris! Suivez moi/Follow me for football news and videos 💯% follow back #IFB pic.twitter.com/PQHzS2mqiZ
— Fanfaron (@guy_fanfaron) June 14, 2019
Artist Saype’s Worldwide Symbolic Human Chain extends to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 2020 https://t.co/t43C9QQ6JO #graffiti #saype #artist pic.twitter.com/PRrBswPLT4
— Artreversal (@artreversal) April 9, 2020
Our #Swiss cab is in #Belfast for the latest link in the largest human chain in the 🌍.
The #BeyondWalls fresco by #Swiss-French artist @saype_artiste has reached #NorthernIreland & is now on the grounds of the Stormont Estate as part of the @BelfastPhotoFes.#WeAreSwitzerland pic.twitter.com/Be8ffsulMJ— Swiss Embassy UK (@SwissEmbassyUK) June 14, 2022
據瑞士數字雜誌Newly Swissed報導,藝術家Saype的名字是以「說」(Say)和「和平」(Peace)為主題的雙關語。Saype的真名叫紀堯姆·萊格羅斯(Guillaume Legros),1989年2月出生在法國貝爾福。在很小的時候,他就被歷史、人文、哲學和藝術所吸引。
Saype l’artista che realizza enormi graffiti sui prati pic.twitter.com/XYcJG0zYQ8
— JENNIFER (@annapao03650257) July 15, 2023
🇫🇷 L’artiste français Saype a dévoilé sa nouvelle fresque éphémère située au pied du Mont-Blanc ! Une création éco-responsable réalisée avec des matériaux sans impact sur l’environnement ! 🤩 (France Info)
🎥 saype_artiste
pic.twitter.com/UPlqmBOxNh— Le Média Positif 🍀 (@LMPositif) July 9, 2023
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