香港民主党副主席 刘慧卿9167 6431
香港人权监察总干事 罗沃启9788 3394
中国维权律师关注组执行秘书 潘嘉伟9417 3765
Press release: Welcome Country Representatives’ Concern Over China’s Human Rights Issues during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
9 February 2009
The Democratic Party, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group welcome many country representatives’ expression of deep concern over China’s human rights record at the first Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council.
Many countries, such as Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Japan, the Netherlands and Sweden, recommended that China should make improvement on the issues of harassment of human rights defenders and lawyers, death penalty, re-education through labour and administrative detentions, the cultural and religious rights of ethnic minorities, especially Tibetans, lack of judicial independence, freedom of expression, child labour, early ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the establishment of an independent national human rights institution based on Paris Principles.
In total of 115 countries signed up to speak on China’s UPR, but only 60 managed to make a 2-minute speech each at the 3-hour meeting which started at 9am on 9 February.
At the end of the meeting, Mr Li Baodong, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, said he regretted some countries had “politicised” certain issues like those on ethnic minorities, and said Australia had made “ill founded” and “politicised” comments. The Hong Kong NGOs deplore such narrow-mindedness and urged Beijing to listen to opposing views.
We are disappointed that the Hong Kong question was not addressed adequately, but welcome the attention focused on China’s gross human rights violations. Given China’s poor record, the concern is understandable.
However, we are particularly unhappy about the British Government’s failure to take up any issue on Hong Kong. Even Benin has urged China to respect the laws and the rights of the citizens in the two Special Administrative Regions.
Emily Lau, Vice-chairperson, Democratic Party of Hong Kong 9167 6431
Law Yuk-kai, Executive Director, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor 9788 3394
Patrick Poon, Executive Secretary, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group 94173675
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