下午好,先生们,女士们。在川普总统领导下,美国经济以创纪录的水平增长。这让川普总统处于有利地位,以解决与中国长期存在的贸易问题。 星期四,川普总统将会见中国副总理。他们将在这个星期举行会谈。川普总统致力于为美国出口产品创造更大的市场, 并为我们的农民、牧民和企业提供更好的待遇。与中国的公平和互惠贸易将促进长期经济增长、不但在美国,也在全球范围。正如川普总统上周说的,美国自豪地与委内瑞拉人民站在一起,他们勇敢地对尼古拉斯·马杜罗的腐败和非法政权发声。 马杜罗必须做对的事情,并允许按照民主原则,进行自由公正和可信的选举。
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced that the United States will welcome an official delegation from China for a series of meetings from January 30 to 31, 2019, to discuss the trade relationship between the two countries.
For the United States, the trade discussions will be led by United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer and include Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Larry Kudlow, and Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro. The United States principals will be accompanied by senior officials from the White House, USTR, and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State, and the Treasury.
美国方面,贸易讨论将由美国贸易代表(USTR)Robert Lighthizer领导,包括财政部长Steven Mnuchin、商务部长Wilbur Ross、总统经济政策助理Larry Kudlow,还有贸易和工业政策主任彼得纳瓦罗。以上美方代表将由白宫、美国贸易代表办公室以及农业、商业、国务院和财政部的高级官员陪同出席。
The meetings are a part of the agreement reached by President Trump and President Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires on December 1, 2018, to engage in 90 days of negotiations with a view to achieving needed structural changes in China that affect trade between the United States and China. The two sides will also discuss China’s pledge to purchase a substantial amount of goods and services from the United States. Under this agreement, an official United States delegation traveled to Beijing for trade meetings from January 7 to 9, 2019.
The meetings will take place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House.
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