这封公开信于本周二(7月14日)发布在加拿大香港联盟(Alliance Canada Hong Kong)网站,已有超过65位现任加拿大国会议员、4名现任参议员和超过25个社区团体签名。
这封写给加拿大总理特鲁多、副总理方慧兰及外交部长商鹏飞的信中写道:“我们谨此连署,促请加拿大政府启用《外国腐败官员受害者正义法》(亦称马格尼茨基法案)S。C。2017,c 21,针对在西藏、东突厥斯坦(新疆)及香港触犯侵害人权等罪行之官员实施制裁。”
联邦保守党的近半数国会议员已签署该信。保守党领袖熙尔(Andrew Scheer)、党领袖热门候选人麦凯(Peter MacKay)及奥图尔(Erin O’Toole)之前都已公开表示,支持使用《马格尼茨基法》制裁中共官员。
多名自由党议员、新民主党议员、魁北克政团议员和绿党议员也签署了公开信。绿党议会领袖伊丽莎白。梅(Elizabeth May)也是签名者之一。
四位签名的参议员是:侯萨科斯(Leo Housakos)、弗鲁姆(Linda Frum)、麦克弗兰(Marilou McPhedran)及达丰德(Pierre Dalphond)。卑诗省高贵林港市长韦斯特(Brad West)也签了名。
.Abdulahat Nur,Vice President,East Turkestan Government in Exile
.Action Free Hong Kong Montreal(满地可撑香港行动组)
.Alliance Canada Hong Kong
.Canadian Friends of Hong Kong(加拿大香港之友)
.Dawa Jongdong,President of Tibetan Women Association of Ontario
.Friends of Hong Kong Calgary
.Friends of Hong Kong Edmonton
.Halifax Hong Kong Link
.International Support for Uyghurs
.Jonathan Fon,President of the Canadian Asian Community Think Tank
.McGill Students for aFree Tibet
.McMaster Stands With HK
.Ontario Universities Hong Kong Awareness Group
.Ottawa Post-Secondary Institutions’Hong Kong Awareness Group(渥学系港)
.Ottawans Stand with Hong Kong(Ottaviens en solidaritéavec Hong Kong,渥太华人撑香港)
.Patricia Adams,Executive Director,Probe International
.Professor David Welch,University of Waterloo
.Saskatchewan Stands with Hong Kong
.Sherap Therchin,Executive Director of Canada Tibet Committee
.Toronto Association for Democracy in China(多伦多支持中国民运会)
.Torontonians Stand with Hong Kong(多伦多人撑香港)
.Tsering Wangyal,President of Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario
.University of Toronto Hong Kong Extradition Law Awareness Group
.Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists(思政学阵)
.Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement(温哥华支援民主运动联合会(温支联))
.Vancouver Uyghur Association
.Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong
.Waterloo Lion Rock Spirit
.MP Alain Rayes
.MP Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe
.MP Arnold Viersen
.MP Bob Zimmer
.MP Brad Vis
.Mayor Brad West
.MP Cathay Wagantall
.MP Cathy McLeod
.MP Chris Warkentin
.MP Colin Carrie
.MP Dan Albas
.MP Dane Lloyd
.MP David Sweet
.MP Dean Allison
.MP Earl Dreeshen
.MP Ed Fast
.MP Elizabeth May
.MP Erin O’Toole
.MP Garnett Genuis
.MP Glen Motz
.MP Greg McLean
.MP James Bezan
.MP Jamie Schmale
.MP Jasraj Singh Hallan
.MP Jenica Atwin
.MP Jenny Kwan
.MP Jeremy Patzer
.MP John Barlow
.MP John McKay
.MP John Williamson
.MP Judy A。Sgro
.MP Kelly Block
.MP Kelly McCauley
.MP Kenny Chiu
.MP Kerry Diotte
.MP Kerry-Lynne D。Findlay
.MP Kevin Waugh
.MP Kyle Seeback
.MP Larry Maguire
.MP Len Webber
.Senator Leo Housakos
.MP Leona Alleslev
.Senator Linda Frum
.MP Luc Berthold
.MP Marc Dalton
.Senator Marilou McPhedran
.MP Matt Jeneroux
.MP Mel Arnold
.MP Michael Barrett
.MP Michael Cooper
.MP Michael Kram
.MP Mike Lake
.MP Nelly Shin
.MP Pat Kelly
.MP Paul Manly
.Former MP Peter Milliken
.MP Phil McColeman
.Senator Pierre J。Dalphond
.MP Pierre Paul-Hus
.MP Rachael Harder
.MP Raquel Dancho
.MP Richard Bragdon
.MP Scott Aitchison
.MP Stéphane Bergeron
.MP Stephanie Kusie
.MP Tako Van Popta
.MP Tamara Jansen
.MP Ted Falk
.MP Todd Doherty
.MP Tom Kmiec
.MP Tony Baldinelli
.MP Tracy Gray
.MP Warren Steinley
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