Statement from ETS on TOEFL
Cancellation at Three Test Centers in China
ETS representatives have confirmed that TOEFL test administrations at three test centers in China were cancelled on November 15th when it was discovered that the audio-cassettes for the listening portion of the test were actually cassettes for another ETS test, the Test of Spoken English. Careful investigation revealed that the unusual mis-shipment appears to be the result of human error.
The affected testing centers were located at Zhengzhou University, Shandong University, and Heilongjiang University.
While ETS's representative in China, NEEA attempted to solve the problem, due to circumstances beyond their control, the correct tapes could not be sent to the universities in time to avoid canceling the test. NEEA immediately announced to the 433 candidates who were at the test centers at the time of the test that they could either get a full refund of their testing fees, or take a free make-up test.
Following a period of consultation with students and partners, a retest date of Dec. 13, 2003 has been scheduled to help students obtain their scores at the earliest possible time.
ETS is also providing NEEA with an official explanation of the incident that will be placed on their web site. Students may print it out and mail it, or send it electronically to the colleges where they are applying, to notify them of the delay in scoring. The notice will explain that the delays are through no fault of the test taker.
ETS regrets any inconvenience to the TOEFL candidates affected by the cancellations and is taking measures to ensure this does not happen again. ETS is working closely with NEEA to implement an improved process to ensure that all shipments are correct in advance of the test day.
Students with questions or concerns about the TOEFL exam should contact:
Phone: 1-609-771-7100
Fax: 1-609-771-7710
Email: [email protected]
Mail: TOEFL Services
Educational Testing Service
PO Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA
Tel: 010-62512994
E-mail:[email protected]
美國教育考試服務中心(Educational Testing Service)
電子郵件:[email protected]
地址:TOEFL Services
Educational Testing Service
PO Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA
電子郵件:[email protected]
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