Commemorating the One-Year Anniversary of My Detention:Gao Zhan(chinesenewsnet.com)
Feb. 11, 2002(chinesenewsnet.com)
At about 2 O’clock last night, my son, Andrew, started to turn, kick and scream in his sleep. I was at his side writing. I rushed to wake him up. I knew it was another nightmare in which, as he would later tell me, he was being bitten or swallowed by a giant tiger or some other fierce animal. I woke him up but didn’t bother to ask what was in his dream this time. I just know that part of his nightmare, just like mine, is rooted in and can forever be traced back to what we experienced on this day last year. Six months have passed since we have regained our freedom, but we still cannot fathom how deep are the wounds in the little mind of my six-year-old and or even in ourselves.(chinesenewsnet.com)
Feb.11, 2001 was no doubt the darkest, most horrifying, and most unforgettable day in my life. Yet, Feb.11, 2001 was also a day of eye opening, mind wakening, and the most important defining moment in my life. (chinesenewsnet.com)
My life has forever been changed by 2-11. Before the 2-11 incident, I was the everyday scholar doing research on China mainly for my own everyday academic pursuits. Before 2-11, I was an ambitious pursuer of knowledge, but I failed to engage in crucial intellectual inquiry□that of questioning the true nature of the Chinese Communist Regime. Before, I walked a fence wondering which way to go. Now I stand firmly on the ground ready to defend the principles of human dignity and freedom. Before, I was ambiguous, now I am clear in what I should do in the future. I celebrate the change even though it came with pain. I celebrate my own transcendence from the everyday mundane concerns about my own existence to that of identifying and embracing a noble cause of fighting for human rights for people in China and all over the world. I want to let the Chinese Communist regime know that I haven’t suffered this ordeal in vain: 2-11 has given me a new direction and a strong sense of purpose in my life. (chinesenewsnet.com)
Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year. This holiday is traditionally a time for family members to get together. But I cannot be together with my parents and my siblings to have a traditional Chinese meal. Not only I, but there are tens of thousands of political prisoners□prisoners of conscience□in China who are not allowed to be with their families. They don’t have any choice but to stay in their dim, cold cells wasting their precious lives away. Among them are: 66-year-old Fong Fuming who has been detained for 23 months, Qu Wei whose only crime was being friends with several U.S.-based China scholars, Xu Ze Rong, an Oxford doctorate who was sentenced to 13 years in prison for pursuing historical facts about China. And just days ago, a 70ish professor was removed from his home for publishing an academic journal addressing China’s environmental problems. Everyday in China there are freedom-fighting people being unlawfully treated, unjustly persecuted, secretly tried, sent to remote areas and forced to remold their minds.(chinesenewsnet.com)
In just a few days, President Bush will visit China. I have something to say to our president. President Bush, please put human rights high on your agenda when you meet with Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Please ask President Jiang Zemin to stop persecuting dissidents, to release political prisoners, and to give the Chinese people their fundamental human rights, including religious freedom, academic freedom and the freedom of thought. President Bush, please tell President Jiang Zemin that the United States and the international world will not tolerate human rights abuses in China in any form, nor the misuse of the United States’war against terrorism. (chinesenewsnet.com)
Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to commemorate 2-11, not to vent our personal sentiments, but to mark the importance of respect for human liberty and to engage more people in the noble cause of fighting for the protection of human rights until there is liberty and justice for all in China and in the whole world. (chinesenewsnet.com)
In the words of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, I will never shrink back from this clarity of purpose.(文章仅代表作者个人立场和观点)
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