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Remarks by President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 1:1 Meeting
Issued on: June 30, 2019
Inter-Korean House of Freedom
3:57 P.M. KST
CHAIRMAN KIM: (In progress.) (As interpreted.) It’s always special and I want to thank you (inaudible) for having me.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I want to thank you. Because (inaudible.) It was great. Look, I mean, the world is watching, and it’s very important for the world.
CHAIRMAN KIM: (As interpreted.) And also, the place of our meeting is special. That is why it rose the occasion of so many people.
Some people think as if this meeting was prearranged through the letters you have sent me. But myself was surprised yesterday morning when you expressed a willingness to meet with me here, and also when we got the official confirmation late yesterday afternoon.
And also, (inaudible) to meet with you again. And this place of our meeting is a symbol of the separation between the North and South, and also a reminder of unfortunate past. And as the two countries, we share a long unfortunate past, meeting at such place shows that we are willing to put an end to the unfortunate past and also open a new future and provide positive opportunities in the future.
If it was not for our excellent relation between the two of us, it would not have been possible to have this kind of opportunity. So I would like to use this strong relation to create more good news, which nobody expects (inaudible), and also to propel the good relations between our countries (inaudible).
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I want to thank you, Chairman. You hear the power of that voice. Nobody has heard that voice before. He doesn’t do news conferences, in case you haven’t heard. And this was a special moment. This is, I think, really — as President Moon said, this is a historic moment, the fact that we’re meeting.
川普总统:主席先生,我想感谢你。你听到那声音的力量(指金正恩面对记者讲话)。在此之前没有人听过那个声音。他是不开新闻发布会的,如果你没有听过这事儿。这是一个特殊的时刻。我认为,这是真的 - 正如文在寅总统所说,我们的见面,是一个历史性时刻。
And I want to thank Chairman Kim for something else. When I put out the social media notification, if he didn’t show up, the press was going to make me look very bad. So you made us both look good, and I appreciate it.
But we’ve developed a great relationship. I really think that, if you go back two and half years, and you look at what was going on prior to my becoming President, it was a very, very bad situation — a very dangerous situation for South Korea, for North Korea, for the world.
但我们建立了良好的关系。我真的认为,如果你回头看两年半之前,你看看我成为总统之前发生的事情,这是一个非常非常危险的情况 - 对于韩国,朝鲜,世界来说。
And I think the relationship that we’ve developed has meant so much to so many people. And it’s just an honor to be with you, and it was an honor that you asked me to step over that line. And I was proud to step over the line. I thought you might do that; I wasn’t sure. But I was ready to do it. And I want to thank you. It’s been great. It’s been great.
A very historic meeting. We were just saying — one of the folks from the media was saying this could to be a very historic moment, and I guess that’s what it is. But I enjoyed being with you, and thank you very much.
这是一次非常具有历史性的会面。我们只是说 - 媒体中的一位人士说这可能是一个非常具有历史意义的时刻,我想这就是它的本质。但我很高兴和你在一起,非常感谢你。
4:01 P.M. KST
The White House
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