BLOCK: The film portrays the war as a triumph over U.S. imperialism and has been used as anti-American propaganda. But I when I reached Lang Lang today, he said he had no idea about any of that.
Mr. LANG LANG (Pianist): The truth is, I only know this piece because it's a beautiful melody. And, actually, I played many times as encore before because it's, artistically, it's a beautiful piece. I never thought about, you know, and I never knew about anything about, you know, the background.
在英文中對美國記者強調的「beautiful melody」 「beautiful piece」,在中文中變成「訴說我們中國的強大,我們中國人的團結」。
BLOCK: Well, some people, as you know, on blogs in China, are seizing on this, saying that it was a moment for a world famous pianist to sort of drop a note of nationalism, of Chinese nationalism into the States here.
Mr. LANG LANG: You know, that's the last thing I want to do because, first of all, you know, I grew up as a teenager in America. I mean, I studied at Curtis. And I feel both China and America is my home. And, you know, I have a really wonderful emotions towards American people. And I have a lot of my great friends, my teachers, are all from here.
So for me, you know, to be invited to play at White House is a great honor. And especially, you know, to play for president of my homeland and also the country which I live, which is America. So, I only wanted to bring the best, you know, of the music melodies. And that's it, you know. I am absolutely say it from bottom of my heart that, you know, I think music, it's a bridge between our cultures.
BLOCK: The song that you played, in the movie, in the "Battle on Shangganling Mountain," which came out in 1956, it is a very nationalistic song and it...
Mr. LANG LANG: You know, I never know about that movie. I just learned it afterward. It's like, 1956. This is when my mother was two years old. I mean, this is 55 years ago. And when I grew up, I only hear this as a beautiful melody. That's it. And this piece is very popular as a traditional Chinese song.
令人可笑的是,在不到5分鐘的採訪中,我數了一下,郎朗使用了16個「You know」,如果美國記者全you know,她根本無須採訪郎朗。最可笑的是,郎朗為了證明他不知道《我的祖國》的韓戰背景,他竟然拿出1956年電影《上甘嶺》拍攝時,她母親才兩歲,這話用英語說,說給一個美國人,似乎可以糊弄一下,講給中國人不是大笑話麼?我比郎朗她娘小一大節,是否也就證明我就不知道《我的祖國》的韓戰背景麼?我的孩子也就不知道《我的祖國》的韓戰背景麼?
BLOCK: Well, Lang Lang, what were your - how did you react when you heard that in China, on the Web, people were adding meaning to this choice thinking you were sort of thumbing your nose at the United States in some way? What did you think?
Mr. LANG LANG: I feel very sad. You know, I very sad. And, you know, and I must say, disappointing. Because, you know, as a person, what I'm trying to do, and what my missions are, you know, making music. And, you know, I'm very honored that people inviting me to play in those great events and to connect us to classical music and to music, to Chinese music and to American music, to, you know, to world music. And once, you know, people use it as a political issue, that makes me really sad because I am a musician. I'm not a politician.
假如,我們只讀到他16個you know的英文答辯,假如讓一個不知道中國國情的美國人來看他的16個you know的英文答辯,他或許是很無辜。但是,我們把他的中英文答辯比較一下,我們就可以看到,郎朗不僅是一個政治家而且是一個頗有心計的政治家:
假如郎朗痛恨美國「豺狼」,郎朗現在完全可以拿起武器到北朝鮮去打「豺狼」保衛「祖國」,假如郎朗真的熱愛自己的祖國,郎朗應該知道中國是號稱有五千年文明史的禮儀之邦,何以當「豺狼」端出美酒盛情款待「獵手」的時候,「獵手」在「豺狼」不解其中味的時候,僱用國際知名的鋼琴演奏家,在人家的國宴上罵人家是 「豺狼」,這展示的是中國人的聰敏和智慧還是無恥和野蠻?
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