1. Have a nice day。祝你今天愉快
2. So far, so good。目前為止一切都好
3. Take it or leave it。要就要,不要就拉倒
4. Keep it up!繼續努力,繼續加油
5. Good for you。好啊!做得好!
6. Time flies!時光如梭
7. Time is money。時間就是金錢
8. Thats life。這就是人生
9. Now youre talking。這才對嘛
10. have butterflies in ones stomach緊張
11. You asked for it。你自找的
12. read between the lines字裡行間的言外之意
13. The rest is history。眾所皆知
14. A little bird told me。我聽說的
15. It never rains but it pours。禍不單行
16. Mind your own business。不關你的事兒
17. Hang in there。堅持下去
18. could be worse可能更糟
19. Money talks。金錢萬能
20. count me out不要算我
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