2nd December 2009
Dear Chinese compatriots who feel the need to participate against HisHoliness the Dalai Lama’s visit to Australia,
You are now enjoying the freedom of speech and freedom to protest whichis the right of all Australians. This includes the Chinese people wholive in Australia, who are fortunate to live in a country whichcherishes democracy, liberty and the values of human rights for all.If you love living in Australia, it means you must be proud of hervalues. If you are loyal to Australia, you must promote and spread hervalues.
Regretfully, our fellow Chinese who still live inside China are stillunable to enjoy this freedom of speech and the right to protest, as wedo in free and developed countries.
The victims of the poisonous milk powder tragedy, and the parents of theinfants who suffered from the resulting calculus were beaten orkidnapped when pursuing accountability and legal indemnification againstthis negligence of care by the supervising authorities.The parents of the students who were killed in the Sichuan earthquakewere detained or imprisoned when investigating the truth, and trying tohunt down the corrupt officials who were responsible.
Then there are those petitioners who lost their lands, the retiredsoldiers who lost their rights, the illegitimate brick kiln workers wholost their personal freedom, etc. No one has the right to protest orexpress their point of view freely in mainland China. Everyone is mutedby a fear of speaking the truth.
Dear fellow Chinese – Today you protest and demonstrate your freedom ofexpression in public, to say what you like, or what you feel you should,for whatever reason; bloated nationalistic ego, fear of criticism, needto be seen to please those who hold power in China, or ignorance of whatyou are protesting about, or maybe a frustrated need to redirect yourfrustrations with your own government against another target in acountry which has the confidence to allow you to do so. This indicatesthat some Chinese people have enough capability, wisdom and integrity toenjoy the same freedoms of speech and the right to protest in ademocracy as Australians do.
Chinese people can be diligent and wise and not at all inferior toAustralians! They should have these same rights within China.Dear fellow Chinese, if you really love China, you should love itspeople in the first place, and you should strive for the rights ofliberty and democracy of the Chinese people. Please apply pressure inChina to obtain the same freedom of speech and protest that you havelearned and practised in Australia today.
Please repeat your act of courage to protest and express your willagainst the Tiananmen Square massacre, and speak on behalf of thosestudents who had so much courage to publicly protest and speak theirconcerns.
Dear fellow Chinese: Australia is a multi-cultural nation. Each of itsstates is highly autonomous, and the state premiers control the samelevel of political powers as that of the Prime Minister. All nations areequal, and tolerance and reconciliation are encouraged.
As a Chinese living in Australia, you are able to protest peacefully, towrite slogans and be protected by the Australian police. This is clearevidence of your Australian right to express yourself publicly. If youare genuinely wishing to maintain the unification of China, please learnfrom your Australian experience and bring it back to China. Encourageregional autonomy, multiculturalism, dialogue and reconciliation,tolerance and equality.
Please fight for the freedom to protest, the freedom of speech and thefreedom of ethnic diversity and preservation of the ethnic minorities inmainland China as part of the unification.
Finally, congratulations to all of you who have exercised your freedomof speech and protest in Australia today. I hope the freedom ofexpression, and the respect you obtain from Australia is something youappreciate enough to take back to China with you.
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。
